ST Potgieter

Therapy, Assessment Of Children, Pre-Assessment of Employee Candidates, Mediation, Speaker & Author


Individual Therapy; Couples Therapy; Marriage Counselling; Child Therapy

Psychological therapy, or Psychotherapy, provides a safe space to talk about your problems and difficulties in a confidential setting. It is a supportive… read more

Assessment Of Children

The assessment of children forms an important part of the practice. It includes the following:

– Intellectual assessment

Subject choice Grade 9 for the Senior Phase (read more)

Career choice evaluation (read more)

– Behavioural assessment

– Learning problems and ADHD

– In divorce matters; report for the court

– Parental plans: supervision, primary care, and visitation rights

– Voice of the child

– Psychometric evaluation

Divorce and Family Mediation

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution. Mediation is a guided negotiation, aided by a non-bias mediator. In mediation the participants attempt to negotiate for a resolution of their disputes and differences. Click here for more information.

Pre-Assessment Of Before Employment Candidates

The psychological pre-assessment of before employment candidates for companies is very important. The psychometric evaluation includes the WRISc (Work-related Risk & Integrity Scale).


Dr Potgieter receives many invitations to speak at events:

– Inspirational topics

– Information regarding life issues

– Coping with COVID and lockdown

– Aspects related to family and children

– Stress factors in life


Dr Potgieter wrote several books which are available in most leading bookstores and can be ordered here on our website.

Courses and Workshops

Dr ST Potgieter provides courses and workshops on (but not limited to):

– Burnout

– Anger Management

– Surviving Violence and Aggression

– Issues caused by COVID

These sessions can take place online (via Zoom) or offline. Visit our Contact Us page to make a booking.

ST Potgieter Praat Oor Hoe Jy Jou Kind Gelukkig Kan Hou

ST Potgieter

Psychologist In Bellville

Dr ST Potgieter is in private practice and a Registered Psychologist certified by the HPCSA. He has over 30 years of experience in adult, child and family therapy. His psychological services are available in the greater Cape Town area.

Need Help?

You’ve already taken the first step by seeking help. You’re one step away of getting the help you need and changing your life for the better.

ST Potgieter

Psychologist in Bellville

Dr ST Potgieter is in private practice and a Registered Psychologist certified by the HPCSA. He has over 30 years of experience in adult, child and family therapy. His psychological services are available in the greater Cape Town area.

Need Help?

You’ve already taken the first step by seeking help. You’re one step away of getting the help you need and changing your life for the better.

Follow Us On Social Media

Be sure to follow Dr ST Potgieter’s Facebook Page where he shares inspiration, wisdom and answers on how to approach life.


Dr Potgieter wrote several books which are available in most leading bookstores and can be ordered from the practice. See below the books he has written and order today.

    Die Merkwaardige Wysheid Van Salomo
    Staan Op Vir Jouself
    Staan Op In Moeilike Tye
    Jou Laaste Selfhelpboek Ooit
    ST Potgieter Pitkos RSG
    Discover Secrets To Study & Success
    Sirkel Van Noodlot
    Sirkel Van Wraak

    Please Fill Out The Form Below To Order A Book

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    Dr Potgieter wrote several books which are available in most leading bookstores and can be ordered from the practice. See below the books he has written and order today.

      Die Merkwaardige Wysheid Van Salomo
      Staan Op Vir Jouself
      Staan Op In Moeilike Tye
      Jou Laaste Selfhelpboek Ooit
      ST Potgieter Pitkos RSG
      Discover Secrets To Study & Success
      Sirkel Van Noodlot
      Sirkel Van Wraak

      Please Fill Out The Form Below To Order A Book

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